What's Absolute Top of Page Rate in Google Ads?

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Imagine you're at a huge outdoor concert with a massive stage at the very front. This concert is packed with bands (advertisers) eager to perform (display their ads). However, there's a very special spot right in front of the stage, where visibility is unbeatable—let's call this the Absolute Top of the Stage (Absolute Top of Page Rate) area. Every band dreams of getting their performance (ad) here because it guarantees the most eyes on them.

What's Absolute Top of Page Rate

In Google Ads, the "Absolute Top of Page Rate" is like measuring how often your band gets to perform in that coveted Absolute Top of the Stage area. Specifically, it tells you the percentage of time your ad shows up in the very first ad spot on the Google search results page out of all the possible times it could have been shown there.

So, if your Absolute Top of Page Rate is 50%, it's like saying, out of all the times your ad could have been the very first thing people see (like your band playing right in front of the stage), it actually was there half of the time. The higher this percentage, the more often your ad grabs that prime spot in front of the crowd, potentially increasing its visibility and effectiveness.

Research shown that the top 3 search results are the most clickable. If your Google Ads unable to rank up within the top 3 positions means you're losing potential customers every day.

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Search absolute top impression rate is the percent of your impressions that are shown as THE VERY FIRST AD above the organic search results. 

Imagine your ads consistently occupying the coveted top spot in Google search results, being the first thing potential customers see when they search for keywords relevant to your business. That's exactly what our expert team can achieve for you—ensuring your Google ads outpace your rivals within just 10 days, making you the undisputed king or queen of your industry.

Google Ads Service

google ads service

CS Laundry System is one of our valued clients. While we cannot guarantee that the Google Ads we manage will always rank at the top due to market dynamics, we commit to delivering a detailed report that proves our performance. This report will demonstrate your ads' competitive performance, showcasing top rankings, high impression share, and leading absolute top of page rates against rivals.

This is Auction Insight of for the same keywords [Coin laundry business] as shown above. 

google ads malaysia

With a 100% impression share and a 95.53% absolute top of page rate, our client's Google Ads (You) dominating the ads space for this keyword, significantly outperforming all competitors.

  1. 100% Impression Share: Our ads appear every single time someone searches for this keyword. This indicates perfect visibility and a strong bidding strategy that ensures your ads are never missed.

  2. 95.53% Absolute Top of Page Rate: Nearly all of our impressions are in the most coveted spot—right at the top of the page. This prominence not only increases the likelihood of clicks but also establishes a dominant presence over competitors who are managing less than 1% in this metric.

  3. Competitors' Performance: Our closest competitors have considerably lower metrics, with the highest among them only achieving a 51.86% impression share and virtually no presence at the absolute top of the page. This stark difference underlines the effectiveness of our ad strategy.

Here's how TREEY® can capitalize on this for your Google Ads:

  1. Priority Visibility: Ensuring your ad isn’t just on the first page, but at the very top, increases the likelihood of clicks and engagement. This is vital in competitive industries like the coin laundry business, where standing out instantly can be the difference between a customer choosing you or scrolling by.

  2. Focused Bidding Strategies: TREEY® employs strategic bidding techniques that prioritize achieving the 'absolute top of the page' placement. Unlike some agencies that may spread bids to simply get on the page, TREEY® specifically targets the top to maximize visibility and impact.

  3. Quality and Relevance: Getting to the absolute top isn’t just about high bids. Google also considers the quality and relevance of your ads. TREEY® crafts ads that are not only eye-catching but also highly relevant to your audience, increasing both quality scores and your ad's chances of achieving top placement.

  4. Continuous Optimization: The job isn’t done once the ad reaches the top. TREEY® continuously optimizes ads based on performance data to keep them performing strongly, ensuring that your ads don’t just reach the top but stay there, maximizing your investment.

By focusing on the absolute top of the page rate, TREEY® ensures that your ads get prime real estate on Google searches, bringing more eyes and potential business to your coin laundry venture or any other business that requires clear visibility and quick customer acquisition.

Would you like a demo on how TREEY® manages these campaigns differently from others? Contact us now.

Disclaimer: The results shared in this article are based on past campaigns managed by TREEY®. Specific strategies and techniques used to achieve these results are proprietary and are not disclosed in this publication. Performance can vary by industry, market conditions, and other factors. Past performance is not indicative of future results.




About The Author

A minimalist and workaholic, working 10+ hours a day from home. Loves solo morning Hollywood movies in the less crowded cinema. Boring middle aged guy, no smoke, drink, karaoke, or nightlife – just pure focus on work and family. Thrive on challenging myself with clients' SEO and Google Ads rankings. About TREEY®.