iPhone Screen Went White, KissMyMac Made Everything Alright!
So, my iPhone 13 Pro Max decided to throw a tantrum—white screen, overheating. I was less worried about missing TikTok and more concerned about someone snooping through my personal data.
Apple Service Center's solution? "Send it over and chill for a week." Yeah, right, like I'm going to part with my phone for that long!
Googled. Found KISSMYMAC near by. These folks had a gazillion 5-star reviews 😲!!! Which made me think, "Scam or Hogwarts for Apple repairs?" I thought only cafes or restaurants able to achieve this milestone.
WhatsApp their hotline 01155016683, peppering the techs with questions like, "Why should I trust you?" Their answer: "We're Apple Authorized, buddy. Only the real Apple deal here." And they promised to fix my phone in a jiffy.
Visited official website kissmymac.my and realized they are truly an Apple Authorized Independent Repair Providers. So, walked in at 11am and 1 hour later, my devices were back from the dead. Now, my turn to contribute another 5 stars google review!