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Landing Page Design Services

Regular price RM2,400.00
Regular price RM3,500.00 Sale price RM2,400.00
Limited-Time Offer Sold out

A landing page is like a special room designed just for guests who come through a specific door. It helps make sure that when people click on your ad or a promotional link, they land on a page that directly relates to what they were interested in. This focus helps guide them towards taking an action, like buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, or registering for an event.

By providing a clear and direct path, landing pages can significantly increase the chances of turning visitors into customers. Plus, they help you track how effective your advertising is, so you know what's working best.

Landing Page Designer

  • Unlimited Bandwidth: No worries about visitor limits. No matter how much traffic you get, your site will run smoothly without extra costs.

  • Hosting Included: We handle the hosting on dedicated servers, so you don’t have to find a web host or deal with extra management costs.

  • Fast Loading Times: Our globally distributed servers ensure your site loads quickly for visitors everywhere, improving user experience and boosting conversions.

  • SSL Certificate: Comes with a free 256-bit SSL certificate, making your site secure and boosting customer trust.

  • Mobile-Ready: Works perfectly on mobile devices, giving visitors a smooth browsing experience on the go.

  • No Access: Please note that access to the landing page dashboard we develop is not available. We appreciate your understanding and are here to assist with any changes or updates you need.

Landing Pages We Crafted

  • SEO Mastery

    Delivered top rankings for over 20+ websites & 800+ keywords on Google's #1 page in 2024.

  • Ads Mastery

    Managed over RM4 million of ad spend. Ensuring clients' ads consistently outpace rivals.

  • Disruption Is Our Game

    No contracts. No management fees on ads spend. Strictly 2 clients per industry.





Proactive & professional! Before engaging Joe's digital marketing services, we thought having a company website is good enough. Now, Joe has improved our online presence significantly and his lead generation services have given us more than enough of sales inquiry, should have engaged with his services earlier.


Yee Hup

Easy to understand and patience. Eager to explore further with you again!

[Yee Hup Foam & Packaging Industries]

CS Laundry

我感激stanley 的介绍,让我公司受益无限大。之前也有与其他公司配合数码营销,但完全没有效应,而且每个月都花很多钱。2019年7月份,与 Joe 开始配合,1个多月,公司业绩逐渐上升,广告效应得到很好的回响。每天许多有品质的顾客咨询,自动”上门”,我们终于知道数码营销的威力。我们都非常满意 Joe 的专业。Joe 是我公司的市场将军,反应很快,敏锐度超强。谢谢你 Joe。


MajuHome Concept

If you like a comprehensive & detailed insights of e-commerce. This is where you get it. With real live example it is easier for everyone to pick up & transform the learning into your own businesses. Way better than those textbook commercial classes.



Upon searching "bean bag", Freeasy's website is ranking on top 3 of Google since years ago (started in year 2013 if not mistaken) Thanks for your SEO service which play an important role of Freeasy's online presence in Malaysia. Now even we've shut down 3 outlets but our biz still running without hassle, in fact even better this way ;)



K-Way has engaged Joe's holistic digital marketing services since 2019. He built our eCommerce website, run Google and FB ads, provides marketing strategies. The overwhelming new sales lead generated by Joe's team helped us to sustain the Karaoke system retail biz during the pandemic lockdown.



So grateful to know you Joe! Thank you for guiding us not only from digital marketing but also showed us a bigger picture of our business. Thanks for your professional advice during this period, now not only we have a user friendly website but also rank on the first page when people search for keywords. All thanks to you Master of SEO! If you think online business is tough maybe you haven’t found the right person to guide you! And if you need one Joe is the one you’ve been looking for!


Vala Scarf

Thanks Joe for assisting us to develop our website! You deserved a 5-star review! 谢谢你的耐心教导.


The Green Signature

Thanks guys! Used less than 2 weeks to deliver a stunning new eCommerce website for Signature Shampoo, love the minimalist web design! Reasonable price and unarguably professional, keep it up😍😍😍



Joe 的电子商务承包服务提供的不仅仅是技术或策略的服务,更关键的是灌输正确网络商业思维,作为生长在这个时代的年轻企业家,如果能拥有正确网络商业思维,必定能在商业战场上比别人更胜一筹。Joe就是一个能确确实实把他亲身在网络营销长达十年的经验,失败与成功的经历都能分享的导师。最可贵的是不但公司能够在他的领导下在网上获得好成绩,公司内部人员也能在他边做边教的情况下对整个网络营销的思路非常清晰,也学会了全面的操作技巧。相信我们会在他的服务兼领导下,能够在网上取得佳绩,并且通过他教育的正确方法让我们持续成长!而不再总想着有什么最简单的最快的最省的,结果浪费更多时间与金钱!


Express Marble

Joe Ngai, a good person to deal with. His ideas to me are always straight to the point. I strongly believe that his expertise and personality could guide all levels of business owners to manage or further develop their online business. Thanks Joe for making us to be involved in this digital era thus we could provide our products and services to our customers in a more efficient way.


Kanyin Books

Very patient, knowledgeable with latest social media marketing trend and strategies. Unselfish in parting his knowledge to others. Genuine guy. Indeed.


Wai Hong Brothers

多年来我们公司与无数的网络顾问公司合作过,都无法让我们在搜寻网站达到任何的效果,正当我们要放棄的时候,通过合作夥伴介绍了一位,有着多年经商与网络营销经验的顾问 Mr Joe 给我们。凭着他的经验,深入了解我们的行业后,让我们与客戶群建立了庞大的网络市场,也同时让我们公司从30人小团队,建立成为一个百人团队的公司。如果你经营的是一间正当或良心行业,更应该让他们为你建立更庞大的市场,Mr Joe 是你最好的选择👍


HDE Mouldings

Firstly, everyone knew the trend and powerful of marketing online nowadays but when comes to look for a trustsworthy person handling my marketing online I can say not easy to find one suit to your satisfaction. This happen when a good friend and also business associate recommended Mr Joe to take over this assignment. Well Joe, well done... More than we expected, excellent services from you. Please accept my appreciation on your well treat.


Aurelia Atelier

I'm glad meeting you. Your great and efficient guide had solved my website development problem. Thank you so much!


Edward Feng Shui

Joe had helped me tremendously on my online marketing endeavor. I had greatly benefited from his hands-on and pragmatic approach. If you are serious about your own online marketing and look for someone who has vast insight in this area, I would strongly recommend Joe !


Edge ID

Highly recommended social media expert. Now only I understand how is Google Ads working. Thank you Joe for your patient and efforts to served us.



What a Super Fast Speed! Joe created a landing page in just 48 hours.... Highly recommended service!  He's friendly & patience in providing Google Ads advice, too. VERY Professional... Easy to understand. Thank You Joe


Fai Fong Bakery

Mr Joe 让复杂的网络营销变得简单有趣。除了网络营销这方面的知识,Joe 也提供了我们一些生意上的参考意见。


Tong Ging Lighting

Hiring Treey Consultancy's ecommerce web development, SEO and Google Ads service since 2017. Easy to deal with, no contract, no hidden cost, most importantly, no additional fee on top of my Google Ads spend!



A person that can make big changes in your digital marketing plan! Tqvm for making our business to a greater height.



Working with Joe have been a joy! More than providing our with digital marketing and website management services, Joe have been very open in sharing his personal experience in internet marketing. Being an entrepreneur himself, Joe is able to understand our needs and constrains, this really make him stand out vs. other digital marketing service providers. We are able to brainstorm possibilities together and come out with cost effective approach that meet our needs.If i need to call out one particular aspect that impress me the most about Joe, it would be his efficiency. He created our website with all the SEO in place within a day! If you are looking to start digital marketing (which frankly is a no brainer in today times) or looking to change your current providers, do give Joe a call. I am confident that you will be as impressed as we were when we first met up with Joe.


Lorry Sifu

Doubted for his credibility before attend and yet it turn out to be one of the best course ever attend. Great sharing with useful tips based on his proffesion and experience. Focus on real life practical skills rather than theory. Interactive and provide personalised ideas based on different business need. Appreciate for his prompt reply via whatsapp or phone call. Highly recommend for anyone who want to build own website but without any IT background. No scams No fraud.


Passive Wealth Mission

I absolutely have no hesitation to highly recommend Joe Ngai if you are seriously looking for one to do your e-Commerce, website building, Online marketing business.


I always worry i am a slow learner, especially come to online marketing. Joe has always support and provide great info. Tqvm.



Wish I knew him earlier and avoid many mistakes and monies. Mr.Joe definitely very hands on and explain how thing works and things to avoid. I am a trainer for more than 16 years and still found Mr.Joe workshop fascinating and learn very solid and practical skill from him. I will definitely use my new found knowledge for practical use. For those of you who already invest a lot in your web site but still not able to generate real traffic, please attend Mr.Joe workshop, you will not regret it. Many thanks to Mr.Joe for his excellent training.



Joe is so patience to answer all the questions. Not only deliver the knowledge but also giving a lot of inspiration and ideas! Thank you so much Joe for the insightful info.


Sakan Auto

Instead of just providing digital marketing services, Joe tuned our website proactively. Moreover, they developed a new landing page within 24 hours in order to provide a better marketing conversion. Now we have got a new marketing channel, Google Ads.

[Sakan Auto]